domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

read if ur a cancer woman or if u want to know about them...

Often thought of as infuriating, Cancer women are rather… misread. It is best that before you proceed with your plans of seduction understand that they need to be understood. At ALL times. They need a partner who is going to understand that they are moody by nature. Though it may sound like they are upset with you, they are simply venting in general. They are sensitive but not only with themselves but to those around them. Some would rather not put the work in and that is fine with them. They are one of those signs that doesn’t need, they have to want.
A Cancer woman is very cut and dry; you can take them or leave them. That being said, it does not mean she is void of passion or emotion. It is quite the contrary. She may just as well be too passionate and emotional. She feels her way through life’s decisions and does not look back. So in order to seduce her, she needs to be in the mood. If she is in no mood to date, you won’t get to even knock on her door.
So how do you get your Cancer woman in the mood? Be direct with your intent. She wants a partner who is not needy or greedy. For all her shyness and general reserve, she admires and appreciates a partner who is confident and forthcoming. If you are less than that and she finds out, you are cut off completely and irrevocably. Once a Cancer woman decides to have a partner if their life, whether it is a booty call situation or a relationship, they take it seriously. They like parameters and would rather not have them changed without being mutually agreed upon.
She will have no problem leaving you behind. It sounds harsh and it is but for all that coldness, they have a burning desire. Cancer women are romantics. Once you get past their crab shell exterior, their interior is a sweet inferno. They love romance. She wants to be adored, loved and cared for. If you are looking for more than just a “friends with benefits” relationship then do everything you can to appeal to her emotional side. On your dates she needs to feel as if you see nothing but her. She needs to be secure in knowing that when she is with you, there is nowhere else you would rather be. Slipping in a few white lilies or roses as you are dating will always gain you their favor. Trust me; you want to gain their favor.
Cancer women are about the thought behind the action rather than the action itself. You happen to have purchased a silver bracelet with moons on because she mentioned her natural affinity towards the celestial object. You have shown her you paid attention to what she says. You leave her a good morning note on her car after a date, and it shows you think about her. You surprise her with a candlelight dinner at your place and she will know you want her to get comfortable because you are not going anywhere. The effort will have gained her trust and make her want to be with you more.
She has a somewhat traditional view of dating. She would love to be properly courted. Though do not be surprised if she makes you chase her time and time again. It is how she weeds out the jerks and losers from the keepers. They get fed up and leave. A Cancer woman looks at each potential suitor as a potential partner, a permanent partner. No, she does not expect you to immediately marry her but she would like to know that if she wanted to you would.
They are so supportive that some are taken advantage. As she slowly lets you in, you will see why those walls were up in the first place. Those who have taken advantage of her have scarred her deeply. The wounds may heal but with a Cancer but those scars never fade. This is why it is important to understand her. It sometimes seems as if she is making you pay for someone else’s discretions but that isn’t the case. She has it in her head that the only person who will protect her is herself.
So yes, a Cancer woman is a little bit of work but once you have her it is worth it.  She can be spontaneous. You will never have to worry about her straying, Cancer women are fiercely loyal. She won’t leave you high and dry like others left her.
Do not let harsh reality of her life deter you from wanting to be a part of it. She is certainly not letting it hold her back. She continues to move forward and wants someone to move forward with her. Give her a chance; understand her idiosyncrasies and you will be rewarded. You will have an amazing woman that will give you a life full of content . She will give you a relationship that is as exciting as it is stable. You will know a passion that could felt deep down in your bones and you will never forget how loved you are. So go ahead and crack open her shell then enjoy all the sweetness she has inside.

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011


-Quiero decirte una cosa -empezó-. No te preocupes en explicar emociones.
Vive todo intensamente, y guarda lo que sentiste como una dádiva de Dios. Si
crees que no vas a conseguir aguantar un mundo donde vivir es más
importante que entender, entonces, desiste de la magia. La mejor manera de
destruir el puente entre lo visible y lo invisible es intentando explicar las
Las emociones eran caballos salvajes y Brida sabía que en ningún momento la
razón conseguía dominarlas por completo. Cierta vez tuvo un amor que se
había ido por una razón cualquiera. Brida se quedó en su casa durante meses,
explicándose todo el día a sí misma los centenares de defectos, los millares de
inconvenientes de aquella relación. Pero todas las mañanas al despertarse
pensaba en él, y sabía que si él le telefonease, ella terminaría aceptando el